Super12 (UHMwPE) - Ropes for Africa

Super12 (UHMwPE)

Regular price
R 2.76
Sale price
R 2.76
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
Quantity must be 1 or more

This rope is designed for high load applications where exceptionally low weight is required - making for an excellent wire-replacement rope. The heat treatment and polyurethane coating applied increases the rope's abrasion resistance, prolonging its life.


  • Low creep
  • Light weight
  • 15 x stronger than steel wire
  • Easy to splice
  • Does not absorb water


  • Wire rope replacement
  • Strops
  • Kickers
  • Guys
  • Lifting 
  • Towing
  • Check stays

Brochure available on request.

Please contact our sales line if you require a larger diameter.

*Remember to update your cart amount during the checkout process to the specific amount of meters you require as quantity will only be one meter if you add to your cart*


Stealth Fibre®


4x4 & Towing; Stunt Rigging; Leisure & Commercial Marine


12-Strand Single Braid





Core Material:

Stealth Fibre®


12-Strand Single Braid


Standard Range


1 – 105 mm (larger diameters available on request)

Reel Length:

200 m




Break Loads:



Nominal Diameter (mm) Spliced Break Load (t) Linear Break Load (t)
1 0.28 0.31
1.5 0.42 0.47
1.75 0.55 0.61
2 0.85 0.94
3 1.3 1.4
4 2.2 2.4
5 3.1 3.4
6 4.3 4.8
7 5.2 5.8
8 6.6 7.3
9 8.3 9.2
10 9.7 10.8
12 15.3 17.0
14 17.9 19.9
16 21.2 23.5
18 31.3 34.7
19 34.9 38.7
20 40.8 45.3
22 47.0 52.2
24 55.2 61.3
26 65.3 72.5
28 76.0 84.4
30 82.5 91.6
32 84.6 93.9
34 95.0 105.5
36 106.8 118.5
38 118 130
40 131 145
42 143 158
44 157 174
46 168 186
48 181 200
50 191 212
52 201 223
54 215 238
56 230 255
58 248 275
60 268 297
62 293 325
64 320 355
66 339 376
68 360 399
70 379 420
72 400 444
74 424 470
76 450 499
78 474 526
80 500 555
88 600 666
96 710 788
105 850 943

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Neville Dyason
Rope size incorrect

Thank you for my order, they ropes look like very good quality.
I am disappointed however as the sizes are not accurate. The 2mm rope measures more like 3mm and the 3mm rope measures at 5mm. Therefore I cannot use it as indented.

Dane Groves
Good Rope but incorrect sizing

I bought the 0.5mm Super12 (UHMwPE) rope online. The rope is good quality, unfortunately the diameter measures to 1mm when wrapping 10 turns around a shaft and measuring the height of the turns. This does not work for my application.